Are you preparing to get married soon? Or that part is already done? However, this time we are bringing a few Religion & Spirituality: Questions to Ask Before Marry.
These questions are going to help you find yourself more, and your life partner for a peaceful time.
We are a social being and coming from families with a religious background. In our society, we are from different faith and culture. Meanwhile, some are active and some are not much while talking about religious matters.
Surely, practicing religion brings peace in mind. So, how both of you are going to do that?
In case, you two are from two different religion(s) then you both need to work out earlier. Not only for you both but, for your children, as well. Even, need to adjust with both of your families too.
Further, even though from the same religion, but one is active and the other one of you, is not caring, also may occur a problem in the future. One reason out of many is, we live in a society. We have families.
Therefore, the better way is to become active following according to the faith which will bring good result in family and social life.
Here are some simple questions to ask and settle understanding solution.
Misunderstanding or uncomforting situation may arise between you two, or in families of you. In certain cases, to avoid unhealthy environment, you both can discuss and find the best solution. Give each other a helping hand to follow religion rules happily.
How about, If you two are not from the same religion, then how both of you are going to adjust with each other?
Not much difference from above. Because, you love each other, always there will be a solution with love for any kind of problem.
Maybe, you need to know more about your country’s law, also, your family suggestion. You have to research a bit about the future. About your future kids.
While I was an active life insurance agent, I faced this while interviewing couples with their children’s birth certificate. Maybe, by this time there are updated new laws for this.
What I mean is, it’s better to look for information for future solutions.
We live with other family members. Near or far, we have communication, we have occasions to celebrate, get together. And, while being together, you found, all are just nicely attending but, you or your partner is sleeping.
You need to have preparation to celebrate happily with your circle.
Just cross-check with a few more inquiries.
A very simple question and easy to answer.
But, while it’s about you both then you need to figure it out. Any kind of ceremony needs some preparation. Time, energy and money, all come together to create happiness and fulfillment. Also, gathering or reuniting with family, friends, and neighbors.
Perhaps, you need to have an understanding arrangement for you both.
It’s good from now to add this is your discussion list for the future.
What is your spouse’s view of your religious and spiritual practices?
In case, if your partner is not much action to follow religious and, or spiritual activities then what’s his or her view about you?
Everybody has own view of every act in life. So, you do and your partner does too. If your partner shows not much interest but, doesn’t stop you, then it’s still positive for you.
How about your view of your partner’s religious and spiritual practice?
Whether your partner is a strict follower of religious and spiritual practices, but you are not or not much as your partner.
Then what’s about your view?
Do you feel disturbed?
Here comes again understanding. You both need to arrange a time for each part of daily life. While you are living in different places before marriage, things are different. Own time.
But, after marriage, you both are going to live together, under one roof. So, a lot of things will come up and need to start talking about these before you move in. and, after you move into one home.
If you are coming from a religious and spiritual background, and your partner may be not much active practicing both. But, your spouse aware of the importance.
In this case, you may ask yourself whether you both need to be religious and spiritual-minded or not. However, you both may spare a little time every day in peace by practicing religious and spiritual activities.
From Religion & Spirituality: Questions to Ask Before Marry questions and discussion, you have an idea about the importance to ask and create understanding relation. Also, the healthy situation for the upcoming days.
By the way, you can read the previous post,
5 Types Health Inquiries: Must Screening Questions Ask Before Marry
And, in case you love reading quotes, then have a look at,
50 undeniable Religion Quotes to Help You Understand Better Yourself than Before
These questions are going to help you find yourself more, and your life partner for a peaceful time.
We are a social being and coming from families with a religious background. In our society, we are from different faith and culture. Meanwhile, some are active and some are not much while talking about religious matters.
Surely, practicing religion brings peace in mind. So, how both of you are going to do that?
Peace in Religion – For a Happy Life
In case, you two are from two different religion(s) then you both need to work out earlier. Not only for you both but, for your children, as well. Even, need to adjust with both of your families too.
Further, even though from the same religion, but one is active and the other one of you, is not caring, also may occur a problem in the future. One reason out of many is, we live in a society. We have families.
Therefore, the better way is to become active following according to the faith which will bring good result in family and social life.
Here are some simple questions to ask and settle understanding solution.
Are you both from the same religious belief?
If yes, how both of you are going to follow all the activities related to religion? It’s important. And, need mutual understanding and supporting each other to obey and follow the rules. One of you may strict and the other one, maybe not that much.Misunderstanding or uncomforting situation may arise between you two, or in families of you. In certain cases, to avoid unhealthy environment, you both can discuss and find the best solution. Give each other a helping hand to follow religion rules happily.
How about, If you two are not from the same religion, then how both of you are going to adjust with each other?
Not much difference from above. Because, you love each other, always there will be a solution with love for any kind of problem.
Maybe, you need to know more about your country’s law, also, your family suggestion. You have to research a bit about the future. About your future kids.
While I was an active life insurance agent, I faced this while interviewing couples with their children’s birth certificate. Maybe, by this time there are updated new laws for this.
What I mean is, it’s better to look for information for future solutions.
How important is religion to you and to your partner?
Now, ask yourself and ask your going-to be partner this simple question. Are you really strictly care about following your religion?We live with other family members. Near or far, we have communication, we have occasions to celebrate, get together. And, while being together, you found, all are just nicely attending but, you or your partner is sleeping.
How will you celebrate religious occasions/ holidays?
Here comes some items together, belief, importance, time and money to celebrate religion ceremonies (in some cases). Maybe, you need to buy new clothes for own and for others, donate or similar.You need to have preparation to celebrate happily with your circle.
Just cross-check with a few more inquiries.
Do you follow religious ceremonies?
Do you think, these ceremonies are a big part of your life?A very simple question and easy to answer.
But, while it’s about you both then you need to figure it out. Any kind of ceremony needs some preparation. Time, energy and money, all come together to create happiness and fulfillment. Also, gathering or reuniting with family, friends, and neighbors.
Perhaps, you need to have an understanding arrangement for you both.
Does your partner like you to discuss religion while you both are not busy working?
At the time you meet, do you talking only about important matters, and about fashion, food travel? Or about religion too?Do you think after marriage your spouse will be interested to discuss religion?
While not working or not busy doing anything, do you guys talk about various matters including religion?It’s good from now to add this is your discussion list for the future.
Do you practice spirituality besides religion activities?
There are some rules to follow as faith or religion. While spiritual practice that you can add in to get more about mind control.What is your spouse’s view of your religious and spiritual practices?
In case, if your partner is not much action to follow religious and, or spiritual activities then what’s his or her view about you?
Everybody has own view of every act in life. So, you do and your partner does too. If your partner shows not much interest but, doesn’t stop you, then it’s still positive for you.
How about your view of your partner’s religious and spiritual practice?
Whether your partner is a strict follower of religious and spiritual practices, but you are not or not much as your partner.
Then what’s about your view?
Do you feel disturbed?
Here comes again understanding. You both need to arrange a time for each part of daily life. While you are living in different places before marriage, things are different. Own time.
But, after marriage, you both are going to live together, under one roof. So, a lot of things will come up and need to start talking about these before you move in. and, after you move into one home.
Do you think, you both need to be religious and spiritual-minded?
If you are coming from a religious and spiritual background, and your partner may be not much active practicing both. But, your spouse aware of the importance.
In this case, you may ask yourself whether you both need to be religious and spiritual-minded or not. However, you both may spare a little time every day in peace by practicing religious and spiritual activities.
Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day.
― Albert Camus
From Religion & Spirituality: Questions to Ask Before Marry questions and discussion, you have an idea about the importance to ask and create understanding relation. Also, the healthy situation for the upcoming days.
By the way, you can read the previous post,
5 Types Health Inquiries: Must Screening Questions Ask Before Marry
And, in case you love reading quotes, then have a look at,
50 undeniable Religion Quotes to Help You Understand Better Yourself than Before
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